Adopt-A-Street Program The city of Lakewood's Adopt-A-Street program allows citizens, businesses and community groups to perform a valuable community service by adopting sections of a street to keep clear of debris and litter.
Adult Business License Any person, firm, or corporation wanting to operate an adult business within the city limits must first obtain an Adult Business License from the city of Lakewood.Each entertainer working in an adult business shall complete an entertainer application.
Apply for a job What do you envision for your next job? Sure, everyone wants a good salary and benefits, but your perfect job offers more than that, right? A career with the city of Lakewood offers just that - more!
Beer and Liquor Licensing - Alcohol Tasting Permit An alcohol beverage tasting permit allows a retail liquor store or liquor-licensed drugstore to conduct sample tastings of alcoholic beverages within their establishment.
Beer and Liquor Licensing - Manager Registration Information and process for Beer and Liquor Licensing manager registration.
Beer and Liquor Licensing - Modification of Premises Application and process for modifying a premise of a Beer or Liquor License holder
Beer and Liquor Licensing - New License Applications To acquire a liquor/beer license at an unlicensed location, an entity must complete a new application packet.
Beer and Liquor Licensing - Special Event Permits Information about serving alcohol at fundraising events