City Council

Lakewood has a Council/Manager form of government, as established in the City Charter.

Residents elect a City Council consisting of the Mayor, who is elected at-large, and 10 City Council members, two from each of the city's five geographical wards. They set the policies for the operation of the city government. 

Regular Meetings, Study Sessions, Ad Hoc Committee Meetings

  • Regular City Council Meetings include opportunities for public comment or use Lakewood Speaks to comment on specific agenda items online.
  • To show a computer presentation during public comment you must call 303-987-7080 before noon the day of the meeting.
  • If you have a disability and need aids or services to participate or view meetings, please contact the ADA Coordinator at
  • A Public Comment Roster is available immediately inside the Council Chambers. Anyone who would like to address the Council on any matter other than an agenda item will be given the opportunity after signing the roster. Speakers should limit their comments to three minutes. Refer to the procedural rules to include the pooling of time (up to 10 minutes) and electronic presentations.

Regular City Council Meetings are held at 7 p.m., second and fourth Mondays monthly.
Study Sessions are held at 7 p.m., first and third Mondays monthly.
Ad Hoc Committee Meetings are scheduled as needed and held in the Cabinet Room of the Lakewood Civic Center, 480 S. Allison Parkway.

Links to agendas will be posted as they become available. Agenda items listed are subject to change including removal or addition of agenda items. They are included here in the city's efforts for improved communication and transparency. The schedule reflects the latest available information. Meetings are subject to change or be canceled. 

Comment on certain upcoming agenda items

Watch City Council Online

Live meetings:

Past meetings: