Community Outreach
The Lakewood Police Department is dedicated to building community partnerships with residents, business owners and those that visit the city of Lakewood. The city utilizes programs designed to encourage conversation, education and participation. Multiple programs including Cops that Cook, Caring by Sharing and National Night Out have been extremely successful in allowing opportunities for personal community engagement with officers and dispatchers.
In addition to community policing, the Lakewood Police Department relies heavily on volunteers. Our volunteers help to sustain a spirit of cooperation and partnership with the community to enhance the department’s ability to serve the city of Lakewood. Volunteers are an integral part of our organization and have proven to be a valuable asset by increasing police responsiveness, service delivery and information input. In addition, volunteers bring new skills and expertise to the department and serve as positive police ambassadors within the community. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our community outreach and volunteering opportunities.