Lakewood Zoning Ordinance

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A PDF version of the Complete Zoning Ordinance(PDF, 9MB)  is also available.

Table of Contents(PDF, 279KB)

Article 1(PDF, 736KB): Purpose and Intent

Article 2(PDF, 1014KB): Procedures and Appeals

Article 3(PDF, 447KB): Zone Districts

Article 4:(PDF, 533KB)  Uses and Supplemental Standards

Article 5:(PDF, 1MB) Dimensional and Development Standards

Article 6:(PDF, 1MB) Residential Building and Site Design Standards

Article 7:(PDF, 2MB) Institutional, Mixed-Use, Commercial and Light Industrial Building and Site Design

Article 8:(PDF, 1MB) Parking and Loading Standards

Article 9(PDF, 838KB): Sign Standards

Article 10(PDF, 359KB): Wireless Services and Communications

Article 11(PDF, 539KB): Historic Preservation

Article 12(PDF, 479KB): Nonconformities

Article 13:(PDF, 422KB) Enhanced Development Menu

Article 14:(PDF, 503KB) Definitions and Interpretations