Short-Term Rental License Applications

Please read the City Ordinance to understand all requirements for every document necessary in the application process.

Read the Ordinance

Preparing for an STR license submittal

STR License Process

We are able to take on-line applications for new Short-Term Rental licenses beginning May 1, 2023.  All supporting documentation must be attached with the submittal.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Here are the basic steps to follow:

Step 1.Download the Supporting Documents


Step 2.Submit all of your documents on-line


Step 3.Await the license or follow any received staff instructions

Download the Documents

Necessary documents for On-line Submittal are:

  • Cover Sheet and Document Checklist(PDF, 176KB) - Full information to assist you in keeping track of all the necessary documents to be submitted and their requirements
    • Proof of Primary Residence for each owner - Copy of your driver's license -OR- two of the following: a valid motor vehicle registration, voter registration showing the address as your primary residence, a Federal or State tax return from the most recent tax year, or a utility bill from the last sixty days
    • Proof of Ownership - Copy of deed that was recorded with Jefferson County
      *FHA loan rules do not permit rentals for less than 30 days. Check the terms of your loan agreement to make sure the lender has not prohibited this as a condition of loan approval.
    • Proof of Insurance- must include minimum $500,000 liability coverage and use as an STR endorsement
    • Floor Plan - self-prepared floor plan illustrating area(s) of premises used for the STR and specifies the number of rooms
    • Copy of the Private Rules and/or covenants (HOA) - as evidence that STRs are not prohibited, if applicable.  You must indicate to staff the pages and sections.
    • Copy of your City Sales and Use Tax License -OR- provide a screenshot of the account with a hosting platform (AirBnB, VRBO, Evolve, etc.) and that they are collecting sales tax on your behalf.
    • Affidavit of Ownership and Primary Residence(PDF, 100KB) - Must be completed by each owner signed in the presence of a notary and notarized by them
    • Affidavit of Compliance(PDF, 83KB) - Must be completed by each owner signed in the presence of a notary and notarized by them
    • Home Inspection Form(PDF, 95KB) - Your home must be inspected and this form signed by an Certified Home Inspector (ASHI, InterNACHI or a Certified Master Inspector) within 30 days of applying for your license
    • Community Notice Form(PDF, 86KB) - Example form for use in notifying your community about your STR
    • Fees - Non-Refundable fees of $150 via credit card

Create an eTRAKiT Account

  1. Visit the eTRAKiT website
  2. Click on: Apply for New Licenses

    Arrow pointing to Apply for New License link
  3.  Two options are displayed, Public Login and Contractor Login.  Under the Public Login select the Register Here link.
    Arrow pointing to the Register Here link
    Fill out the required information to create a new Public User Account. Click on Create Account.
  4. When all of your paperwork is completed and ready, you can Apply for your STR license

Applying for your STR license in eTRAKiT

  1. Visit the eTRAKiT website
  2. Log In to eTRAKiT making sure to select the Public log in option.
    Log In bar with Public option highlighted
  3. Enter your account user name and password
    Log In bar with Public option selected and Username and Password filled in
  4. When you are logged into the Dashboard, Select the Lakewood Licenses | Apply for New License option on the left-side navigation
    Lakewood Licenses Apply for New License indicated with red arrow
  5. Under Step 1 License Type, select the Short-Term Rental option.
    Highlighted Short Term Rental choice in a drop-down menu

Fill in all required fields and upload all required documents and then click the Submit button.

Required Documents for License Renewal

Necessary documents for On-line Submittal are:

  • License Renewal Cover Sheet(PDF, 117KB) - Full information to assist you in keeping track of all the necessary documents to be submitted and their requirements
  • Proof of Primary Residence for each owner - Copy of your driver's license -OR- two of the following: a valid motor vehicle registration, voter registration showing the address as your primary residence, a Federal or State tax return from the most recent tax year, or a utility bill from the last sixty days
  • Proof of Insurance- must include minimum $500,000 liability coverage and use as an STR endorsement
  • Copy of your City Sales and Use Tax License, if currently held
  • Provide link to hosting platform advertisement OR Screenshot of advertisement verifying the STR license number
  • Fees - Non-Refundable fees of $75.00 via credit card 

Applying to Renew your STR license in eTRAKiT

  1. Visit the eTRAKiT website

  2. Log In to eTRAKiT making sure to select the Public log in option.
    Log In bar with Public option highlighted

  3. Enter your account user name and password
    Log In bar with Public option selected and Username and Password filled in

  4. When you are logged into the Dashboard, Select the arrow under RENEW in My Active Licenses
    A red arrow pointing to the renewal button under my active licenses in eTRACKiT
  5. Review all information, update as needed. Fill out the bottom, section, "Renewal Only" and upload required documents.  

Go to eTRAKiT website

eTRAKiT website

Enter your credentials

  1. In the top Log In area, choose "Public" from the drop-down selector
    Log In bar with Public option selected and Username and Password filled in
  2. Enter the Name used for your account and your password
  3. Click on the Login button

You will be taken to the Dashboard screen of your current activities.

Log in to the Dashboard

Log into the eTRAKiT dashboard using the above instructions.  Once logged in to your dashboard, your Active License(s) are listed along with those that staff has provided comments about or that need an action to be performed by you. 

If the My Submittals Awaiting Response is displayed, click on the 'Respond' link to display the comments and requirements from City staff. This will also have an area for your response and to upload documents.
Comment area with paperclip icon to begin uploading of a document

Enter your comment in the box.  If a document upload is needed, click on the paper clip icon to begin choosing your file.

Attachment Upload Pop-up window with Select button

Click the Select button to open a navigator window. You can then choose one or more files to upload. Each file needs a description so enter it in the provide box.

A file that is ready for upload should look like this.

Attachment Upload Pop-up with properly staged file ready for upload

Once your are all set click on the blue Upload button. A disclaimer is displayed and must be accepted.

Disclaimer pop-up window with Accept or Cancel buttons

A file upload results screen is then shown.  Your screen should look similar.

Attachment Upload Pop-up with Results

Finally, scroll down until the Submit button displays and select it to send the comment and uploads to City Staff
The final Submit button that needs to be selected