Fences and Graffiti

A wooden fence along a walkway.


Fence permits are required if more than 8 linear feet of fencing is replaced, repaired, modified or constructed.

If you have more than 8 linear feet of damaged fence, you may temporarily shore up the damaged fence as best as possible while waiting for the city to review your application and issue a permit.

To obtain a fence permit, see more information on using our online eTRAKiT tool, or contact the City of Lakewood’s Permit Counter at 303-987-7500, or call the Planner of the Day at 303-987-7571 to discuss requirements.


Research shows that removal of graffiti within 24 to 48 hours is the most effective way to discourage future vandalism. Prompt removal sends the message that graffiti will not be tolerated. Lakewood requires graffiti to be removed within five days. 

The most valuable tool in preventing graffiti is immediate reporting. If you see any in-progress graffiti dial 911, and DO NOT attempt to intervene or contact the suspects.

Report Graffiti