Before and After School Care

A child and staff member talk during an after-school program.

Registration for school years opens July 22 at 10 a.m. 

The City of Lakewood offers quality, affordable before and after school child care for elementary students, ages 5-12. 

Before and After School

Before school care will be offered at Belmar School of Integrated Arts beginning at 6:45 a.m. and Foothills Elementary School beginning at 7:00 a.m. until the first bell. After school care will be provided at Belmar, Foothills and South Lakewood elementary schools. Care is from end of day dismissal until 6 p.m.


$60 once per year registration fee
$40 for no school days
$15 for AM care
$18 for PM care (includes early release days)


  1. Belmar School of Integrated Arts View map 
    Site Coordinator: 720-883-6398
  2. Foothills Elementary View map
    Site Coordinator: 720-891-9718
  3. South Lakewood Elementary View map
    Site Coordinator: 720-404-7506

How to Enroll

Please follow the steps below to register for care.

#1: Pay the registration fee for your location. (KEEP YOUR RECEIPT NUMBER). 

Register Here

#2: Complete and submit an online application. You must include your receipt number and current immunization record.

Winter and Spring Break

The City of Lakewood offers fun, affordable and high quality child care during Jefferson County School District’s no school days, Winter and Spring Break.

Activities include field trips, arts and crafts and recreational sports.

Ages: 5-12

Time: 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday


Fees: $35/day (includes field trips, lunch not included) 

Devinny Cottages - 12268 W. Wisconsin Dr.
Lasley Cottages - 1393 S Kendall Ct.