Planning Commission Meetings
Schedule reflects the latest available information. Meetings are subject to change or cancellation.
Learn more about the Planning Commission, including who the members are and the types items that come before them.
You are invited to attend the public hearing or participate online at and express your comments on these cases.
You may submit written comments regarding the cases online or in person to the Clerk to the Planning Commission up to 5 pm the day prior to the hearing. After that time comments may be submitted orally or in writing to the Planning Commission at the 7 pm hearing.
Minutes are not available for Study Sessions.
The City of Lakewood does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation or disability in the provision of services. People with disabilities needing reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a City service program, can call 303-987-7080 or TDD 303-987-7057. Please give notice as far in advance as possible so we can accommodate your request.