Lunch Program

Lunch goers talk during a VOA lunch.

The City of Lakewood partners with Volunteers of America (VOA) to offer hot, nutritious meals for ages 60 and older. Meals are dine-in or grab-and-go and served in the dining room of the Clements Community Center, located at 1580 Yarrow St.


Open Mondays-Thursdays. Lunch is served at 11:45 a.m. by reservation.

Reserve your meal

Reservations are required and should be made three business days in advance. Call 303-987-4833 to reserve.


View October Menu(PDF, 76KB)

October Nutrition Facts(PDF, 47KB)

If you need assistance with the menu or nutrition facts, please call the Clements Center at 303-987-4820.


For those age 60 and older, a $2.50 contribution is suggested, but do not let that stop you from participating in the lunch program. You can reserve a lunch at no charge.

The charge for those under age 60 is $8.50, which cannot be waived.  

Transportation Assistance

Lakewood Rides is a transportation program which offers residents of Lakewood transportation to and from the dining site at no charge when it is open. Contributions are always welcome. Free parking is also available at the Clements Community Center. 

Lunch and learn

Lunch and Learns are back at Clements Center! Join us for food and educational talks from places around Lakewood. Register online through the button below or call 303-987-4820. For more information contact Chrysanthemum Greene at

Lunch and Learn